Ritual of the Deceased Girl

The Folklore

In 1990, a mass of people reportedly saw an unnamed girl, roaming throughout the streets of Auburn Hills, Michigan. Only appearing on rainy days, she made no sound, and almost blended in with the fog. No one could confirm her identity, as she would run away from anyone who walked up to her, disappearing back into the fog. On March 27, a group of citizens claimed to have seen her holding a blood-stained kitchen knife.

The Summoning

Alright i got bored when writing this for the cp wiki so I'll just bullshit my way through this. You can summon her via a ritual.
First, open up a new tab and go on Deviantart.
Then, type in "giraffe porn" "scary girl". Keep searching until you see a picture of your mother. Masturbate to it for at least 15 seconds while chanting "

Bạn chỉ sống một lần". Then headbang to heavy metal music until you throw up. take a tomato and throw it out of the window. If it hits someone, say "Mission Accomplished, Snake". Afterwards, go to the bathroom, look into the mirror, and yell "Không rõ tên cô gái, tôi triệu tập bạn.

" She will appear and kill you. The end! :D